Michael Loveland, RACING THOUGHTS
Sep 3, 2021 – Nov 5, 2021
A Focus Exhibition by Michael Loveland
In a changed world, society’s overall tempo has slowed to one of quietness and isolation. Looking inward rather than outward, the energy previously exuded on a lost time is internalized into a personal chaotic existence. Michael Loveland has constructed his internal experience through the works featured within RACING THOUGHTS. Through an amalgamation of medium and technique, each work included is a representation of the fleeting, yet potent, visual moments that make up what has passed, what is, and what is presumably to come.
Created entirely within the wake of the global pandemic, Loveland shows a renewed meditation on the perception of place and reality. He tapers the distinctive sculptural aspect of his practice to allow the intimacy created by traditional mediums, such as photography and painting, to shine through. Loveland experiments with transparency, texture, dimensionality, and the pure ‘purpose’ of objects to conjure the multidimensional, fragmented, yet cohesively lived, reality experienced within an unmatched period.